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New Hope, Future City Buk-gu

Food Waste Disposal

How to separate the waste

  • Recyclables : Remove the water as much as possible and discharge it in the dedicated collection container.
  • Non-Recyclables : Remove the water completely and discharge it in the standard garbage plastic bag.
    How to separate the waste
    Classification Recyclables (In a food collection container) Non-Recyclables (In a standard plastic garbage bag)
    Cereal Rice, bread, rice cake, confectionery -
    Fruits & vegetables Watermelon, melon, radish, Chinese cabbage, garlic, onion, corn
    • Solid shell such as walnuts, chestnuts, acorns, coconuts and pineapples
    • peaches, apricots, persimmons, mangoes, etc. Nuclear fruit seeds
    • pepper, garlic, garlic shells, onion rings, onion peels, cornstalks, corn husks
    Seafood Fish bone, fish paste, clam meat
    • Shellfishshell such as Shellfish, seashells, abalone, cockles, oysters
    • Crustacean shell such as crab, crayfish, etc.
    • Shells of eggs, ducklings, quail eggs, ostrich egg
    Meat Lean meat Hair and bones of cattle, pigs, chickens, etc.
    Others Kimchi, miso, salted fish, Pickles
    (After removing the salt component as much as possible)
    Teabag such as green tea, herbal medicine remnants
  • Large chunks of fruits and vegetables (pear, watermelon, old pumpkin, radish and cabbage) shall be cut to smaller size to be discharged.

How to reduce the food waste

  • Consider the amount of food when preparing food
  • Cook stew only the amount to eat
  • Use small side dish plate for meals
  • Bring the leftovers in the restaurant cleanly
  • Use the food waste as manure
  • Remove the foreign objects and water to recycle them as manure

Single-Family House


  • Leftovers discharging area for single-family houses and town houses

How do you collect leftover foods in front of my house?

  • Put the leftover that can be recycled in a special collection container with payment certificate on it and place it in front of your house door, then the cleaning staff will collect at the designated day and time.

What the residents have to cooperate with

  • Observe the designate time and day to discharge the food waste
  • Discharge only the recyclable foods from which foreign objects have been completely removed
  • Discharge the recyclable foods in the dedicated container with payment certificate on it which was designated by the Buk-gu office
  • Secure the container so that it does not fall over by strong wind such as typhoon

Enforcement of volume-rate disposal system of food waste

  • Effective date: February 1, 2008
  • Where to buy: Garbage bag shop or shops designated by the Buk-gu office
  • Type of payment certificate: 250 won per 1 x 5 liter plastic bag

In case of breaching the discharging method

  • Illegal disposal of the food waste or mixed in the standard plastic garbage bag shall be fined a penalty of 300,000 won or less.

What about the area where the separation and discharge of the food waste is not enforced?

  • Food waste should be recycled as compost or livestock feed in rural area.

Apartment house


  • Apartment houses over 20 households

How to dispose the leftovers?

  • Put the recyclable food into a dedicated collection container installed in the apartment complex, then the cleaning staff will visit and collect it.

Discharge date and time

  • Every day or every other day (except Sundays and holidays), from 9:00 pm to the time of collection
  • The discharge time may be determined by the apartment itself and the collection time may vary depending on the area

What the residents (management office) should cooperate with

  • Discharge only the recyclable foods from which foreign objects have been completely removed
  • Separate and discharge the recyclable foods in a dedicated container (120 ℓ) with payment certificate on it designated by the Buk-gu office attaching the receipt
  • Secure the container so that it does not fall over by strong wind such as typhoon

Processing Fee

  • Method : Add up to monthly management fee
  • Amount charged: 50 won per ℓ

What about if violate the separate discharge method?

  • Illegal disposal of the food waste or mixed in the standard plastic garbage bag shall be fined a penalty of 300,000 won or less.